DR opretter talentskole for næste generation af serieskabere
Med ’Serieskolen med DR Ultra’ etablerer DR et intensivt udviklingsprogram til at rekruttere unge fortællere af dansk børne- og ungefiktion. Det sker i samarbejde med eksterne aktører.

Med ’Serieskolen med DR Ultra’ etablerer DR et intensivt udviklingsprogram til at rekruttere unge fortællere af dansk børne- og ungefiktion. Det sker i samarbejde med eksterne aktører.
Dansk og nordisk identitet bygger på vikingereferencer og nordisk mytologi. I en ny fakta serie sætter historikeren Cecilie Nielsen sig for at løse ‘Gåden om Odin’.
Et stort skib med en ganske lille besætning. Henrik Hartmann, Øystein Espeseth-Andresen og Tommy Nordlund har givet håndslag på, at de alle fortsætter ombord hos Nordvision til juni 2024.
Sportsredaktionerne i de fem Nordvisionslande skærer en tredjedel af udgifterne ved at gå sammen om at dække kvindernes fodbold-EM til sommer og mændenes VM til vinter, vurderer svensk projektleder. Samarbejdet giver ekstra tyngde i forhandlinger, supplerer norsk sportschef.
NRKs portrayal of four immoral, politically incorrect, wealthy young men has taken its place as the top streaming success for Nordic public service drama. Exit has captured viewers in all the countries, across all age groups.
In general, more Nordic drama is being produced in collaboration than ever before.
The wealthy, immoral and politically incorrect protagonists in N12 series Exit have a broad appeal and capture a youth audience. More than four out of ten 19-29-year olds have watched the series. Head of Drama Ivar Køhn offers some possible reasons.
In all the Nordic countries, we turn a blind eye to trafficking, oppressive working conditions and modern-day slavery that can found right under our noses, according to the people behind this Yle documentary.
In a year full of obstacles caused by the pandemic, the Nordvision partners still managed to go full steam ahead in their cooperative work. Never before have the partners produced so much content through joint efforts as in 2021, when looking at the number of co-productions.
Up to 2,000 Chilean children may have been stolen from their mothers and adopted in Sweden. According to Swedish reporter Lena Sundstrøm, there have been reports of similar cases in other countries, and she has been granted support to look into a possible Nordic collaboration on continued investigation of the matter.
Free exchange of programmes is a cornerstone of the Nordvision partnership. For almost 20 years, Jesper Petersson has selected which programmes from other Nordic countries to bring to SVT viewers. His choice is based on two very simple criteria.