European societies are changing fast, and so are we.
Brussels Office
Thomas Myhr – Director of European Affairs, Nordvision
Avenue des Arts 56
1000, Bruxelles, Belgium
+32 2 2869121
+32 471 49 47 24
Media and public service broadcasting are acting in a constant stage of transformation and market changes. We must meet this challenge by raising the quality of our content and services even further, embrace new technology and new distribution platforms.
We develop organizations that are more distinct, innovative, more diverse and more flexible.
We want to stay competitive; with unique stories and world class content.
But while some things change fast, others should not change at all. We rest on the same stabile foundation of legitimacy editorial independence and trust from our audiences as the core backbone to everything we do.
With the EU taking its place as an influential global legislator on digital, data and technology, maintaining an active presence in Brussels and in European decision making is increasingly crucial for us.
With a fast-changing digital environment, legislation from the EU have major impact on us as national media companies, making it important for the Nordic companies to play an active part in developing policies and new regulation on a European level.
Regular dialogues with the EU institutions and key stakeholders in Brussels are critical in representing the interests of Nordic public service media companies with a single voice. We make sure that policymakers are up to date, to be able to make informed decisions impacting our businesses and our society.
By engaging with representatives from the EU institutions and relevant stakeholders, the Brussels office of Nordvision also ensures that the Nordic public service companies have an advanced understanding on recent EU developments and can continue to play a vital role in European culture, society and public debate.
The Nordic companies are members of the European Broadcasting Union, the world’s foremost alliance of public service media.
Nordvision Brussels
This is public service media for us
The Nordvision partnership includes all the Nordic public service media companies, who cooperate to strengthen all aspects of public service media.
The Nordvision Brussels office supports the cooperating Nordic companies in providing information, advice and communicating with EU institutions.
Located in the heart of the EU institutions, the office advocates to ensure regulatory solutions from the European level meet the needs of public service media organisations and for core Nordic values and media polices to be reflected in European legislation. This is done through interaction with key European institutions and stakeholders in the policy community.
We regularly prepare and host visits from company representatives and other industries. If interested to visit us or participate in an event, please see contact details below.
Policy and positions
With great power comes great responsibility
Media has an enormous power to influence societies, and with great power comes great responsibility. We are eager to continue developing in line with that obligation and to serve audiences where, how and when they engage with us.
Our goal as public service media companies is to ensure that content of public value remains found and accessed by audiences everywhere, and that it continues to play a central role in stimulating the European creative economy and cultural diversity.
European regulations related to digitalisation and competition have come to play a very important role here.
Nordvision wants to actively participate in the ongoing fundamental European discussions on ensuring democracy and freedom of speech. By early on analysing the implications of legislation and policies, we want to be able to advocate for a framework and solutions that best serve free and independent media, as well as driving digitalization and innovation. To support this, we publish policies and positions that contributes to the European debate.
Areas of specific interest for us during 2020 include;
- The digital single market,
- Fair competition in online markets
- Securing principles of media pluralism, freedom of speech/journalistic security.
All of Nordvision positions and strategies published here are defined and decided jointly by the Nordic public service companies.
Current papers
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Press releases
Select the press release below that you wish to review:
Press release: New Director of European Affairs at Nordvision’s Brussels Office