The Nordvision secretariat has, in consultation with the respective member companies, postponed all program group and expert network meetings in March and April. Regardless – remember to register your projects in the project calendar, as the pitching process goes ahead!
The program groups will be contacted separately. The deadlines for pitch registration, as well as the dates for the actual pitching, will remain unchanged.
As of now, the meetings planned for May and June are under consideration.
Should it prove impossible to arrange the currently postponed meetings in May or June, it is of utmost importance that the projects which shall go into development or production urgently, or which shall apply for funding from the Nordvision Fund in May/June, are given the possibility to pitch digitally.
The secretariat is currently investigating which solution would be the most appropriate.
In the meantime, we ask everyone who will be pitching program ideas and projects at the program group meetings (children’s, factual, culture, knowledge, sports, young and investigative) – remember to register your projects in the project calendar at as soon as possible.
The better and more detailed the project presentations in the project calendar are, the easier it will be for the Nordic commissioning editors to make a decision regarding these proposed projects.
We are considering the possibility of pushing back the Fund deadline, to make sure that there is sufficient time for the pitching occasions to be arranged.
Updated: 13.3.2020
Postponed meetings:
Personalisation, Oslo, 6.3.2020
Heads of VOD, Oslo, 17.3.2020
Ung Meeting, Malmö, 24-25.3.2020
Heads of Publishing, Copenhagen, 27.3.2020
N12 Marketing, Copenhagen, 31.3.2020
Kunskapsmöte, Stockholm, 31.3-1.4.2020
Front Page Editors/Digital Publishing Group, Helsinki, 1-2.4.2020
Sportmöte, Oslo, 2.4.2020
Barnmöte, Stockholm, 22-23.4.2020
Fakta- och kulturmöte, Reykjavik, 15-17.4.2020
Undersökande journalistik, Stockholm, 21.4.2020
Social Media Academy, Copenhagen, 5-6.5.2020
New date and time for each meeting will be communicated once a decision on that has been made.
Meetings not mentioned here are under consideration. Please follow this page, and your e-mail, for further information.
Please contact the Nordvision secretariat if there are any questions or issues that you wish to discuss. Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.