As you know, our pitching sessions continues on Microsoft Teams. To participate, you need to register for the correct meeting, and then you will get the link.
When you register you will get the link, but you will also get the pitch list, telling when to present, who else is doing pitches, and who will act as commissioning editors.
Download guide
So, what to do?
First of all: Check the pitch list once more to see that all info is correct. If you want to make changes, please let your Nordvision contact know.
5 minutes per pitch
Do a rundown of your presentation to make sure you’ll be able to stay within the 5-minute time limit. Make sure you in the pitch tell how much support you’re looking for from any Nordic partners joining your project (for development projects, the max. total is 20.000 EUR)
Can I use a video?
Yes! but, if you’re planning on including video in your presentation, make sure to also have a shareable link (along with any password needed) through Vimeo or Youtube, so everyone can watch the video on their own computer if something fails. If you are having trouble showing it in the presentation, we’ll share your link in the Teams chat. We also encourage you to include the video in the project database registration, to be used in what we call Pitch mode.
What else?
- Register your project in the project database – and keep it updated
All projects participating in the pitch need to be registered in Nordvision’s online project database. If you haven’t done this before, first you need to sign up as a new user.
Remember to upload your presentation as well as all available information (again, don’t forget to mention how much money you’re requesting). The better and more extensively your project is presented, the better the commissioning editors can make a substantiated decision on your project.
- Each project will have only 5 minutes, plus 4 minutes for questions
We already mentioned this, but just to make sure: We’d hate to interrupt an interesting presentation, but we’ll see many time-worthy presentations on this day, and the given time limit will be final. This includes any video content. Please make sure you can do your presentation within that limit. The commissioning editors will have four minutes for questions after each pitch so they can get the info they need to decide on the projects.
- Arrive in time
Please have a look at the schedule and make sure you join the Teams meeting well ahead of your designated time slot (10 minutes will be enough) and note that the time slots given are CET/Scandinavian! If there’s another presentation taking place when you arrive, just sit back for a while (mic muted) and wait for your turn.
- Have your presentation ready
Have your presentation window open and ready to share on your computer. If there are several of you pitching your project, select one who does the screen-sharing.
- Camera on and mic muted
We all want to see who is pitching the project! So, activate your camera when it’s your turn. At all other times, have your camera in off mode and your mic muted so we avoid the risk of unwanted microphone feedback. A headset is highly recommended!
- After your presentation
When you’ve finished presenting and replying to questions, you’ve accomplished your part and are free to leave. Following the pitch day, our member companies will retreat to discuss the projects and then deliver their verdict. You can check the decision made on your project with your commissioning editor after day’s end.
Test your presentation ahead of the pitch
Even though we all are quite used to online meetings these days, we give you the chance to check that your presentation works as expected. In the week (or so) before the meeting, we will set up a test for all to join. And, you can also get an answer to any questions you might have.