Nordvision’s secretariat opens its doors in Oslo

Starting on the first of July, the operational, day-to-day work of Nordvision will be led from NRK’s premises in Oslo, with the new Secretary General Arne Helsingen at the helm. The new secretariat hopes to continue lively contact with the employees of Nordic public service media.

After 18 years in Copenhagen, Nordvision’s secretariat is entering a new era as the office from the first of July will be located at NRK in Oslo. Also new is Arne Helsingen as Secretary General, although during his 17 years as Head of Television at NRK, he has become thoroughly acquainted with Nordic public service cooperation.

Tommy Nordlund, who has been part of the secretariat as a project manager for the past six years, is also moving with Arne to build up and further develop the organization, now based in Norway.

“It is an exciting day for us, with the start-up of the new secretariat here in Oslo. We have received a smooth handover from the old secretariat in Copenhagen and would like to thank Henrik and Øystein for their brilliant work. Fortunately, Tommy is with us and ensures continuity, and we look forward to contributing to the further development of the unique, trust-based collaboration within Nordvision,” says Arne Helsingen.

Nordvision’s secretariat is now housed at NRK in Oslo.

Non-existent threshold

Both Helsingen and Nordlund hope that both current acquaintances and new employees in Nordvision’s member companies will openly and actively continue to get in touch whenever they have ideas for cooperation, or are curious about how Nordvision could help them work together with colleagues in the Nordic countries.

“I am happy, intrigued and excited about the opportunity to join Nordvision’s new secretariat to ensure with all available strength that the transition to Norway is painless, smooth and beneficial for all partners. At the same time, I look forward to thinking freely, innovatively and creatively together with Arne about how Nordvision will develop in the coming time. Without all the Nordic colleagues who are passionate about both the collaboration and the public service task, Nordvision would be very poor, so I really hope that the threshold to contact us will be non-existent – we want to be easily accessible and supportive,” says Tommy Nordlund.

The easiest way to reach the secretariat is to write an email: