Arne Helsingen appointed Secretary General of Nordvision

The current Head of TV at NRK will take on the role as leader of the Nordic media cooperation on July 1, 2024. Helsingen already has extensive experience of collaboration through Nordvision, and currently serves as NRK’s representative both on the Fund Board as well as in the Media Directors’ meetings.

Foto: Elisabeth Mjøs/NRK.

NRK’s current Head of TV, Arne Helsingen, will take over as Nordvision’s Secretary General next summer, when Henrik Hartmann steps down after 18 years of captaining the regional media cooperation.

An employment committee, with representatives from DR, NRK, RUV, SVT and Yle, has in recent weeks interviewed and analyzed a selection of the candidates who applied ahead of the deadline, on September 15.

The process ultimately led to an appointment of Arne Helsingen, who for 17 years has been Head of TV at Norwegian NRK, with responsibility for both streaming and broadcast. During these years he has also been deeply involved in the Nordic cooperation, and in addition he has been involved in the European public service cooperation as a member of the EBU TV Committee during two terms.

“I am so happy that we are getting such a strong and experienced person as the leader of Nordvision. Arne Helsingen is both visionary and strategic and has been one of the driving forces behind several of the new forms of cooperation we have succeeded in creating between the Nordic companies in recent years,” comments Eva Beckman, chair of Nordvision.

“In the summer of 2024, I will take over an organization that is both well-run and up to date, and I look forward to contributing to build on the splendid work the secretariat has done and is doing,” says Helsingen.

As a first ambition, he mentions the importance of all member companies in Nordvision noting that the collaboration decidedly produces concrete results in the future as well.

“Together we will develop what works and has strategic significance, while finding new areas and tasks where collaboration will make a difference”, Arne Helsingen continues.

Helsingen will be contracted as Secretary General for the next four years.

Read more about Arne Helsingen and his vision for the Nordic cooperation in an extensive article next week here at


Nordvision has worked for Nordic public service cooperation for 65 years and aims to be the best and most well-functioning regional media cooperation in the world.