The Eurovision Creative Forum is the first EBU Members’ “format marketplace and exchange platform”. It is an opportunity for Members to share TV formats in different genres, exchange experiences with different kinds of programmes and ideas, as well as bring together creative potential on a pan-European level.
Call for proposals: Entertainment and Factual entertainment formats.
The submitted proposals should fulfil the following criteria:
- They should be formats or formattable (i.e. rely on an idea that can be copied by third part without having to rely on specific talent)
- The rights to the programme should be controlled by you (the broadcaster), and not by a private production company (ie you should be able to make decisions on how and to whom the format is presented)
Please send your DVD by 15 March to the following address:
EBU – Eurovision TV
Murielle Mégias
L’Ancienne-Route 17A
Case postale 45
CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex GE